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The undeniable link between Employee & Customer Experiences

Written by Company News | Jul 5, 2023 12:27:00 PM

Delivering an exceptional Customer Experience (CX) is paramount in every service industry. However, a critical factor that often gets overlooked is the part that Employee Experience (EX) plays in making customers happy. The equation suggests that a healthy EX = a positive CX. Let’s explore the relationship between these and how you can focus on fostering a positive EX.

Three ways EX & CX are intrinsically linked

  1. Employee engagement and customer satisfaction: 
    When employees feel valued, supported and connected to their work, they are more motivated to go above and beyond for customers. In contrast, disengaged or dissatisfied employees may lack the drive to provide exceptional service, resulting in subpar customer interactions. By prioritising employee experience, organisations create a positive ripple effect that permeates throughout the customer journey.

  2. Empowerment and autonomy: 
    When employees are empowered to make decisions and solve customer problems with some autonomy, it results in a better customer experience. They can proactively address customer needs, resolve issues efficiently, and personalise interactions. The result is customers feeling heard, understood, and well-catered for. Conversely, when employees lack empowerment or face rigid processes, customers may experience frustration and dissatisfaction.

  3. Fulfilment and brand advocacy: 
    Employees that feel heard and fulfilled in their role are more likely to become brand advocates. When employees have a positive experience within an organisation, they develop a strong affinity for their workplace and its values. This sense of loyalty translates into higher employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Satisfied employees will also naturally become ambassadors for the brand, promoting products or services with genuine enthusiasm. This bolsters trust and credibility from the customer which makes them more inclined to choose that service again.

Understanding the EX/CX equation

There are few things more frustrating than poor customer experience. When the pressure is mounting, you cannot solve the problem yourself and you feel ignored or passed down an endless call flow without speaking to a human being, you start to question whether the service you are paying for is worth it. According to research from Khoros, 65% of customers said they have changed to a different supplier because of a poor experience. This should be an automatic red flag for any Managed Service Providers (MSPs), but the truth is that many still don’t have the tools in place to enable their teams to deliver what the customer deserves.

Complete Customer Service Management (CSM)

CSM from POPX is so much more than just ticketing. Your customer service agents can proactively address issues before customers know about them, automate common requests and standardise customer service delivery on a single platform.

With our background as transformation and ServiceNow experts, we fully understand what it takes to create efficient operations to help increase EBITDA that liberates new growth opportunities. Even better, we take care of everything for you, including integrations and workflows required to run the most comprehensive CSM solution that sets you apart from your competitors.

By giving customers full transparency, you make them feel they are in control of their relationship with you and empowered to self-serve. This not only means they can see more and do more, but you also make it easy for them to buy more.

Click here to find out more about our CSM services.

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