One of the keys to providing excellent customer service is making sure that you use a centralised, automated platform that provides Service Level Management (SLM). This function allows you to document and track all the agreed-on commitments between your customers and you and create a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that can be tracked.
A customer’s SLA outlines the type and level of service you will deliver. It spells out such things as the metrics you ned to meet and the penalties you will pay for violating the agreement. These metrics help a service provider understand the performance being delivered against the service commitments made. The system should also automate notifications and keep all parties informed about progress and compliance.
Having a trackable SLA helps you:
Establishing process and rules to avoid delays and breaches
The ability to control your entire operation using automation, data, technology and agents creates a system that’s ready for anything. With automated SLAs, you can notify an agent about a task he should take to prevent a breach or inform a supervisor if an SLA is about to trigger an escalation.
When dealing with SLAs, it can be challenging to manage changing customer call/chat/email volumes. To help address this, look for a platform solution that can set SLAs based on:
In this way, you can easily manage different SLAs that match what has been contractually obligated or used as a method of prioritising which types of customers get faster service.
Delivering outstanding customer service has taken centre stage as customers could leave after just one unsatisfactory experience. Making sure that you monitor and improve the customer experience whenever possible is critical.
An end-to-end customer experience is made of all the contacts your customer has with your brand. It involves monitoring the entire customer journey and ensures that at each point, the experience is satisfying. Delivering good service consistently is a tall order as new technology and processes develop.
So, when looking for a technology solution that you can integrate across all departments, look for the following capabilities:
For more information on achieving excellence in Customer Operations download the free eGuide below.