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How Zen Buddhist Principles Align with Managed Services

Written by Company News | Aug 19, 2023 8:50:39 AM

Welcome, along the path to business enlightenment

It might seem peculiar to try connecting 5th century Zen Buddhist principles to any type of modern-day workplace, but Zen appears to align directly with some key aspects of business success. While some of us are applying such principles to office design, the application of this philosophy also links into the technical workings and ecosystem of a business itself. When a business is aided by managed service providers (MSPs), these finely tuned cogs share some direct links with a Zen Buddhist’s outlook on life.

So, what exactly does Zen Buddhism entail? The main concept of Zen is in the name itself – it translates as ‘meditation’. This is indeed something we can apply directly. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s most recent guidelines on mindfulness at work state that: ‘employers should offer all employees (or help them to access) mindfulness, yoga or meditation on an ongoing basis’, citing these as the best tools for reducing workplace stress. But while this direct, concrete action from Zen teachings is excellent for staff wellbeing, and therefore greater business success, it’s the more abstract principles of Zen that really hit home in relation to MSPs.

In essence, Zen is a form of Buddhism that helps its followers understand the meaning of life through enlightenment. However, it’s not the type of religion or philosophy that you can explain with words alone – it’s not about scripture, it’s more about living the principles. While digital managed services might not have a clear place in the school of the Buddha, they certainly embody its core ideas.

The principle of simplicity

Zen bases many of its central teachings around simplicity and straightforwardness. Where there’s a need for an MSP in any business, the aim is to make things simpler and more streamlined by taking on digital responsibilities that cannot be efficiently managed in-house. It also alleviates the need for hiring extra staff, or having staff do extra tasks on top of their normal duties. When a managed service is designed to make use of existing digital resources, there are no costly or complicated add-ons either. Achieving simplicity feels like a much easier task when supported by an MSP, particularly when any issues or improvement requests to a service can be handled externally. This is especially true of smaller teams who are not so tech-savvy, or do not have the budget for bespoke systems. Keeping things simple by using an MSP is the Zen solution.

The principle of enclosure

This term might conjure up some negative connotations at first. When we hear the word ‘enclosure’, we may think of caged animals, or being kept inside somewhere against our will. However, this is not the definition through the lens of Zen. In this frame, we’re talking about enclosure in the sense of keeping everything together, protecting, and safely surrounding the delicate ecosystem of a successful business. An MSP acts like a protective blanket around certain digital needs, not only building the required services to fit around the company, but then managing it effectively. Sitting on the boundaries of the business, with a fully integrated understanding of its working needs, is how an MSP demonstrates Zen enclosure.

The principle of completeness

Completeness is where MSPs and Zen Buddhism may have the strongest crossover. Many businesses bring MSPs into their organisation to fill a gap they cannot or choose not to manage alone. By providing key digital and IT services that would not otherwise be fulfilled, an MSP helps a business achieve a fuller capacity that helps keep it running smoothly. The process of bringing in an MSP also demonstrates a sense of whole – from building, implementing, personalising, optimising, managing, and of course maintaining, the process is complete end to end, but can also continue its services infinitely. With the knowledge that your business consistently has the tools it needs to function well, this brings about a feeling of Zen completeness.

Drawing parallels with these ancient beliefs can clearly help build a case for MSPs in our tech-led modern age. Many teams and business owners can relate to challenges such as:

  • Fending off complicated or convoluted processes
  • Keeping everything integrated and together
  • Filling skill gaps in areas where something important is lacking

But with a Zen principle aligning to each challenge, and MSPs aligning to Zen principles, it might be that the answer to business enlightenment goes hand in hand with personal enlightenment and was here all along.

On your path to business success, POPX can provide solutions, guidance and expertise through our team of experts and the MSP Platform, powered by ServiceNow. To find out more, get in touch.

The POPX MSP Platform is powered by ServiceNow